granted the darkness in which to be taken. always the filigreed shadows. you want a wretched gag, then wait until sunrise.
the manifest will be met.
gargoyles are circling, up there with the drones. the sky is fucking crowded these days. despite our despiting. and, you can pretend your worries are up there as well, hiding among the clouds. don't look up. lest your eyes be filled with lenses of lesser gods. shave your beards in supplication, if you please.
rip my lip and tell me it's cancer. mistake me for uncaring, and call it truth. out of the frying pan and into the toilet. they author such, don't they?
integrity is a receipt with no purchase.
some get taught to augur the future with their ear to the soil, while others are still digging with sticks. either way, you're bound to puncture the water-table. create a fucking geyser in your life.