Tuesday, December 18, 2012

oubliette blues [12.7.2012]

….hell is this if this is hell if hell is hell….

even discerned by the ghosts in my cheap headphones. screeching, howling through the corners of my salt-encrusted mouth when the fucking sun tells my enflamed gut that it’s eggs&bacon fuck-you time. after sleeping in a frigid field littered with the desiccated remains of mustard beetles and out-dated porn. nostalgia, which is Greek for “you just don’t fucking get it, do ya?”

I once lived in a fear-cage. it was called exuent, which is Latin for “asshole that lives in a fear-cage.” I would take long walks along the college hipster sluiceway and peer existentially over Cache le fucking Poudre.

once, I heard an owl from across the street. a fucking owl, hooting like something out of a Hammer Film. I didn’t sleep for weeks.

…like a ripe fruit exploding in slow motion. like a Viking funeral on a lavish yaught. like a crime scene captured in brilliant pastels. like 7 jokers in a deck of 35. like a random function on a coffin. like an ellipsis in Braille. like a sunset viewed through night-vision goggles. like an all-expense paid vacation to Chernobel. like I give a sequential number of fucks where this is all going…

I feel it right in my fucking glands. the ones that tend to get cancerized. the ones that the predators enjoy the most. the softest ones.

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